Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This is only a Test, do not seek Shelter

There is a lot going on right now.  It's pretty scary.  It's fantastic that what is happening is by my choice, and that I feel in control of it, but it's like choosing the biggest and baddest of the wild Mustangs to tame.  Not knowing what will eventually turn out.  But here I am on a Tuesday morning and wondering what life will be like in two months.  Certainly different than today, and certainly a big change.  At least I have Gorgeous by my side and with her there is great hope and happiness.

So, as a test, here is a cool video I produced recently.  It's for the Social Progress Imperative.  I'm pretty proud of it.

And Here is a photo of me, so you know what a nearly middle aged white guy looks like.